Dairy Heritage

by Vicki B Littell
Original - Sold
11.000 x 14.000 inches
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Dairy Heritage
Vicki B Littell
Painting - Watercolor And Ink
Signature Artist Statement for PineCastlePioneerDays.org, for the annual festival of 2022.
I found myself considering the interests of the local community, the general public at large, and the pandemic impacts to the marketing of the 2022 Festival.
My muse was found in the artistic style of Alphonse Mucha whose decorative posters were popular during the art nouveau timeline. Coincidently, it parallels the historical period that PCPD celebrates today. My plan to create an image in watercolor and ink allowed me to consider all of the Pine Castle dairy farmers that used the milk can transportation system. I wanted to honor the forerunners that paved the way for a mechanized industry. The art includes nature that is indicative of Mucha’s style and of the local area with clover flowers that foretell the future of dairy. The pretty young cow with wild flowers and the Dairy Heritage halo typifies art nouveau.
Lastly, I envisioned a marketing “art poster” that would capture the interest and curiosity of a wider audience.
November 3rd, 2021
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