Feeling the Drought
by Vicki B Littell
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 12.000 inches
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Feeling the Drought
Vicki B Littell
Painting - Watercolor
Feeling the Drought could be anyway however this is an Australian iconic moment when a farmer takes a moment to resolve within himself that his way of life has cracked wide open!
Pure watercolors on Arches archival paper.
Featured: The Best Of Down U...06/08/2020
Accepted: 2021 FWS Online Show
Featured: FAA Portraits12/13/2020
Juried: Florida Watercolor Society Online Exhibition 01/15/2021
June 2nd, 2020
Comments (8)
Vicki B Littell
Thank you, Michaela! I appreciate you saying so. Many times we see, feel, and than move on. However, the artist does not know how you are impacted. It is encouraging and inspiring to know that your work has been noted. :)